I recently had to implement a new grid in Magento, and I wasn’t sure what should I write to the type parameter:
protected function _prepareColumns() { $this->addColumn('some_column_id', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('core')->__('Some column name'), 'index' => 'some_column_index', 'type' => '???', )); ...
So I made a little bit of research to find out all the types available. I don’t want to go in details, so here is the list:
- action
- checkbox
- concat
- country
- currency
- date
- datetime
- input
- interface
- ip
- longtext
- massaction
- number
- options
- price
- radio
- select
- store
- text
- theme
- wrapline
You will find all these types in /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Widget/Grid/Column/Renderer folder. You can also make your own grid types similarly.