Tag Archives: index.php

Magento: How to remove index.php from admin URL

As you may already know, the index.php from the URLs can be easily removed from the frontend, by going to System -> Configuration -> Web -> Search Engine Optimization and setting Use Web Server Rewrites to Yes. But this works only for the frontend. This can be tricked easily, by overriding one of the Magento core files. Lets see the method which is responsible for the URL generation in Mage_Core_Model_Store:

protected function _updatePathUseRewrites($url)
    if ($this->isAdmin() || !$this->getConfig(self::XML_PATH_USE_REWRITES) || !Mage::isInstalled()) {
        $indexFileName = $this->_isCustomEntryPoint() ? 'index.php' : basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
        $url .= $indexFileName . '/';
    return $url;

As you can see, when the $this->isAdmin() is true, then it will add the index.php to the URL. So, in order to remove it, we have to:

1. copy app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Store.php to app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/Store.php
2. modify app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/Store.php file so it will look like:

protected function _updatePathUseRewrites($url)
    if (!$this->getConfig(self::XML_PATH_USE_REWRITES) || !Mage::isInstalled()) {
        $indexFileName = $this->_isCustomEntryPoint() ? 'index.php' : basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
        $url .= $indexFileName . '/';
    return $url;

Now the only thing you need to do is to go to System -> Configuration -> Web -> Search Engine Optimization and to set Use Web Server Rewrites to Yes, then to clear your cache. This will remove the index.php both from frontend and backend.

Note that overriding core functionality must be avoided as much as possible.