Tag Archives: wordpress

WordPress image not editable

It just happened to me that after uploading an image (a portrait oriented) in the WordPress (version 4) admin page, the image was rotated. I tried to edit the image, by clicking on the Edit original image, but image simply didn’t load. When I opened the url the placeholder pointed to in a new window, it was showing a “-1” instead of the image itself.

I could solve this problem, by opening the image file in an image editing software and saving it as a PNG file, then reuploading. Then the image was loaded well.

It seems that the problem happens with photos taken by devices which has accelerometer or other similar features (ex. smartphones).

WordPress: How to stop caching for NextGEN gallery

It is very annoying while you write code and when testing the result is always the same. Turning off / disabling cache is not available in the plugin settings (or maybe I have missed that point). But there is an easy option for developers. Just append ngg_force_update=1 to your blog’s url.

if your site’s address is www.example.com/something, then you should call the site with www.example.com/something?ngg_force_update=1

In my case it was an exception, that is why the caching happened, and after including ngg_force_update the stacktrace appeared.